September 2, 2021 – How time flies!

I just have one question, how is it September already??!! It was during September of last year that I began this blogging ‘adventure’ and I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone (as well as how much has happened)! Around this time last year, I was experiencing some pretty significant emotional lows and feelingContinue reading “September 2, 2021 – How time flies!”

August 25, 2021 – Under my skin.

Why is it that certain people get ‘under my skin’. It’s much like the splinter that became lodged in the nailbed of my right thumb a couple of weeks ago. They both involve ‘pain’, but with the splinter it’s physical, and with people it’s emotional. It doesn’t matter where I go, there’s always ‘one’. TheContinue reading “August 25, 2021 – Under my skin.”

February 27, 2021 – Insurance and Billing Blunders

I feel like an emotional basket case. Whether it’s due to the full moon or other matters, I cannot be certain. If I could help you understand what I mean by ’emotional basket case’, I would describe it as much like what Humpty-Dumpty experienced before he plummeted to the ground below and shattered into aContinue reading “February 27, 2021 – Insurance and Billing Blunders”

December 17, 2020 – Why don’t they like me?

When I awoke this morning, I immediately started to think about one of my neighbors. Instead of how I wanted to spend my day or what to cook for breakfast or if I needed to run to the store for last minute Christmas shopping, my thoughts immediately honed in on the crusty guy who lives on the adjoining property. Think that’s a bit strange? I do, too. Why would I think about that guy? He’s really the last person on earth that I’d like to spend any time thinking about. Who is he, anyway? He’s a guy that shares a fence with us. What’s his name? No idea. Why am I wasting precious brain cells thinking about him first thing in the morning? He doesn’t like me. How do I know this? Every single time I walk my dog past his home and he’s standing outside, he stares at me and scowls. That’s his response if I walk by and wave or walk by and say ‘hello’ or walk by and smile. He looks at me with utter disgust. I just don’t understand it. What did I do? I must have done something to elicit that kind of response. People you don’t even know cannot simply dislike you for no reason whatsoever, can they?

October 26, 2020 – Name that tune! Earworms, what happens when a song gets stuck in your head.

Billy Joel, would you please get out of my head?! I am tired of hearing about uptown girls and a particular state of mind that you’re in at the moment and only good people dying young. It has been nearly three hours and no matter what I do, I cannot seem to shake you. IContinue reading “October 26, 2020 – Name that tune! Earworms, what happens when a song gets stuck in your head.”